Calochortus howellii

Howell's Mariposa

Stem erect. Single leaf from base slightly longer than stem, pair of linear bract-like leaves at base of flower stalks. Flower white, petals widely rounded at outer end, hairless on outside, inside covered with white hairs turning dark brown over green and deep brown flower center. Three narrow sepals white, slightly shorter than petals. Endemic to Siskiyou Mountains in dry open forests on rocky serpentine at 1300–3700 ft. Similar C. umpquaensis, endemic to Douglas County, Oregon, is 8–12 in. tall with deep purple or reddish blotches inside petals near center of flower.

  • Rarity: Rare
  • Flowering Time: Early Summer
  • Life Cycle: Perennial
  • Height: 12--16 inches
  • Habitat: West-Side Forest
  • Found In: Siskiyous
  • Native: Yes