Delphinium nuttallii
Nuttall's Larkspur
Erect, with undivided stem covered with fine upward-curved hairs. Leaves erect, 2–3 in. long, divided nearly to center; 3 lobes, each divided into shorter lobes. Inflorescence somewhat sticky, with many single flowers in a spike with ascending stalks 1 in. or shorter. Flower composed of 5 light to deep blue oval sepals, long slender light blue spur, 2 upper pale blue notched petals, 2 bright blue petals to the sides. Grows on low moist ground, gravelly outwashes, basalt cliffs. Common in south Puget Sound prairies. Do not confuse this with the much shorter upland larkspur, D. nuttallianum; both are named after Thomas Nuttall (1786–1859), botanist and plant explorer in western North America.
- Rarity: Locally Common
- Flowering Time: Early Summer
- Life Cycle: Perennial
- Height: 1--2 feet
- Habitat: East-Side Forest, Meadow
- Found In: East Gorge, Olympic Np
- Native: Yes