Erythronium hendersonii
Henderson's Fawn Lily
Erect flower stem centered in leaf pair. Basal leaves mottled with brown or white, glossy, 4–10 in. long. Stem pale pink to reddish, leafless. Flowers 1 to many in raceme, nodding. Flower petals pinkish lavender fading to white near center with deep purple markings at base, 3 small sac-like folds at base, stigma slightly shorter than brown to purple stamens. Grows in mixed woods, meadows, fields, at low to mid elevations.
- Rarity: Locally Common
- Flowering Time: Mid Spring
- Life Cycle: Perennial
- Height: 5--12 inches
- Habitat: West-Side Forest, Meadow
- Found In: Southwest Or., Siskiyous
- Native: Yes