Pyrola picta

White-Veined Pyrola

Erect flower stem from basal rosette of white-veined leaves. Plants occasionally leafless. Leaves 2–4 in. long, egg-shaped, upper side dark green, underside often bluish when young. Flowers clustered on upper stem, with short bent stalks and 5 white to greenish petals, sometimes tinted pink. Style protruding, curved downward. Grows in dry forests at low to high elevations. Leafless plants are thought to be saprophytic. Picta means "brightly marked," in reference to the white-veined leaves.

  • Rarity: Common
  • Flowering Time: All Summer
  • Life Cycle: Perennial
  • Height: 4--8 inches
  • Habitat: West-Side Forest, East-Side Forest
  • Found In: Olympic Np, Mt. Rainier Np, N Cascades Np, Crater Lake Np, Wallowas, Siskiyous, West Gorge
  • Native: Yes

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