Ribes erythrocarpum
Crater Lake Currant
Shrub with prostrate branches rooting at nodes throwing upright stems to 20 in. Plant covered with fine hairs, glands. Leaves nearly round, to 2 in. across, deeply cut, 3–5 rounded lobes. Flower stalks erect, flowers copper to salmon, petals about half as long as sepals. Abundant at conifer forest edges, often with mountain hemlock, from Crater Lake to Mount Jefferson in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon at 6000–8000 ft. Listed as a noxious weed where introduced in favorable climates. Similar R. laxiflorum, trailing black currant, has stalked glands on lower side of leaf, purplish green flowers with red petals.
- Rarity: Locally Common
- Flowering Time: Mid Summer
- Life Cycle: Perennial
- Height: 1--20 inches
- Habitat: West-Side Forest, Subalpine
- Found In: Crater Lake Np
- Native: Yes