Triteleia hyacinthina
White Hyacinth
Stem erect, topped with white flowers. Leaves few, 8–16 in. long, narrow, with ridge down back. Flower head dense, flowers white sometimes tinted purple outside, tubes bowl-shaped, lobes widely ascending with green midveins, anthers extended, yellow to whitish. Grows in spring-wet grasslands from coast to mid-elevations.
- Rarity: Common
- Flowering Time: Late Spring, Early Summer
- Life Cycle: Perennial
- Height: 8--24 inches
- Habitat: Vernal Wet, Coastal, Meadow
- Found In: Olympic Np, Mt. Rainier Np, Crater Lake Np, Siskiyous, Steens, West Gorge, N Cascades Np
- Native: Yes

More Information:
- Latin synonyms: Brodiaea hyacinthina
- Common synonyms: fool's onion
- More Photos
- USDA Plants Database
- CalPhotos
- OregonFlora
- E-Flora BC